Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Transition Towns Established in Centre County, Pennsylvania

State College and Bald Eagle Valley have become the 63rd and 64th official Transition Towns in the United States. The Bald Eagle Valley is home to the largest SoL land trust of 323 acres. Members of the SoL land trust communities have been very involved in establishing these two transition towns and serve on the steering committee.
The Transition Towns movement was founded in the United Kingdom in 2005; the US office opened in 2008. There is now a global network 300 TTs in sixteen countries. Each TT is independent. There are now four TTs in Pennsylvania. Our goal is to promote a greater public awareness and involvement in energy and climate change issues. We choose to join a dynamic network of like-minded folks to draw on the vast collective experience and mutual support available. Transition Towns (TTs) are launched when a group of people in a local community form around the goal of seeking a dramatic reduction in fossil fuel dependence in response to rising cost and depletion of these non-renewable resources and the effect they have on climate change.
The two new TTs have been meeting jointly, and have been hearing from a number of interested people in several other local communities who are part of our network, so we are expecting more TTs to be forming in the coming months. All interested people are invited to attend and learn about the mission and process of Transition.
Guidelines for forming and operating a TT are found in Rob Hopkin’s The Transition Handbook (ask your local book store if they have copies). More information is available at our web sites — www.transitioncentre.org and at www.transitionus.org. You can contact us at info@transitioncentre.org

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